Mouse or A house mouse is small rodent and slender weighting less than 30 grams. It has a pointed nose, beady black or pink eyes, Small rounded ears (ralatively large), and a long hairless tail, and comes in variety of colors: tan, brown, black, grey, and white. Mouse typicallly distinguisted from rat by their size. Sometimes people confused with mouse, mice or rat. Mice are plural of mouse and rat is bigger in size than mouse.
Unlike other structural pests, house mouse numbers are not limited by lack of water. Mice can get enough water from food, even from dry cereals. The house mouse is well adapted to stressful environment coditions. It can become dormant to conserve energy during extreme hot or cold conditions. Mouse eat very little amount of food, which can be available in kitchen area.
Female mouse get pregnant about 5 to 10 times a year depends on wheather and condition. Mouse can give birth to a litter of 3 to 14 pups on average, the litter size ranges 6 to 8 pups.
House mice can gnaw through wood, asphalt, singles, and even soft mortar and can squeeze through small cracks 1 cm. in size. Mouse get into house doors, garrage door, holes around your house, even you cannot see those holes.
Mice get into house from outside for shelter and food offcourse.Cat or dog food and other food available in the house attract them and encourage them to stay inside.
Mice make nest inside the wall or other hidden area, where ever they feel convenient, mostly near the kitchen area. They come out, inside the house or outside for food only, and go back to the nest. They make tunnels beside the pipes and wires to move on place to another.
Mice droppings are typically small about 1/4 inch length. You can tell, if there are fresh droppings by the color. Newer droppings will be darker and shinier while older droppings will look chalky and dry. Fresh you can press easily, but older would be very hard. Rat dropping are similar in shape but larger, typically 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch in length with blunt ends.
Most of the time people think we have one or two mice in the house, but it is not true. Normally when people recongnize in the house, they become multiple in numbers. Rarely we notice them in starting. When we notice they are much higher in numbers. People try to catch them with glue paper or snap traps, and they catch few but can not solve the problem, because mean while they increase more. so at this point you need professional help, who can install poison and devices professional way and inspect your house from outside to stop them getting inside more in future.